Saturday, April 7, 2012

Try to see the moon

February began with the Super Bowl.  David, Vance and Reed smoked ribs and I made chocolate covered strawberries.  We had a great time.  Reed and his friends played "Super Bowl" in the hallway.  A parent (we switched out occasionally - Colin gets the MVP award for Dad playing most with kids) would be on each end of the hall and the kids would just run back and forth and dog pile the parent in hugs.  Reed really got into this game and would tackle pretty hard, the girls would approach gently and give hugs.

Granny and Grandad came for almost a week in February.  We went to the zoo one day.  Grandad found these chairs that vibrate your feet (and really your whole body).  This picture was taken before they put the quarters in.
When the chairs started vibrating, Granny was very startled and let out a few whoops and hollers of laughter.  Reed became concerned and said, "Oh, Granny, get off on it!"  The mixing of prepositions had us in stiches!
In the petting zoo, Reed really enjoyed the free ranging chickens and rooster.  This picture was taken after he ran at the rooster with his arms in the air yelling, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"  Can you see the revenge in the rooster's eyes?  A few seconds after this picture, Reed turned his back on the rooster and it ran and pecked his leg.  There were a few tears, but no real damage.
Watching the Elk with Grandad
The hippos aren't out very much when we go to the zoo, so today was a real treat.  Hippopotomus is Reed's favorite song.  This really showed us that "God made a hippo that weighs a TON!"

Eating lunch with the monkeys is always a great way to end our visit.  Reed likes to try to copy the monkey's antics.

Potty training is in full swing.  Treats are handed out on big occasions.  You think this boy likes ice cream?

Reed has been staying with Lesli and Miles on the days that I work.  Lesli has a bike trailer that she likes to take the boys in, so we bought Reed a bike helmet.  Lesli had her second child, Quin, so Reed brought his helmet home.  He wore it home in his carseat and wanted to wear it all around all the time.  After a day or two of this, we had to hide it.
In March, Reed and I drove to Springfield to visit Mark, Stacie and Tate Watson.  It was such a great trip.  Reed and I were spoiled rotten while we were there.

Mark & Reed

Storytime with Stacie

Reed had fun sitting at their counter on the bar stools
Playing at the park with Stacie & Tate

Snuggle time with Savannah

Snuggle time with Stacie - looks like he is telling her something pretty serious

Playing with all the fun toys they have at their house

Having so much fun he can't sleep even though he is overtired!

Reed loves to play his guitar.  He will play it anytime he can.

Learning from Dad

St. Patricks Day.  A fun time was had by all. Contrary to how this picture looks, Reed was not leading everyone in song.

Our parties have started having bath time.  Here are the 4 oldest. Reed, Juliette, Kate and Preston.  We are going to have to start getting a bigger bathtub as the younger siblings grow!

"Aunt" Emily reading to Juliette and Reed after the party bathtime

Mark enjoyed playing Reed's guitar...

But then he had the bright idea to climb into Reed's car.  Reed was really concerned when Mark couldn't easily remove himself.

Reed continues to love and play baseball.  He has even begun playing imaginary baseball in the house since we can't throw or hit in the house. (He's gotten too good and can break too many things!)

One of Reed's favorite bedtime activites is to try to see the moon.  For nearly the whole month of February, it was too cloudy or the moon was not out for us to see.  Every night he would say, "I want to see the moon."  Many nights we would say, "It is too cloudy, you won't be able to see it."  His response?  "But I want to try!"  What a great attitude for us to try to have.  So many times we have things we want to do, but others tell us it can't be done.  I hope he continues to have that spirit that doesn't take "no" for an answer (in a positive way). Please pray for us as we continue to discipline him.  I hope we can raise him as God wants us too without squelching that resilient attitude.