Friday, September 11, 2009

The future is cloudy - but the fluid is not!

Is that TMI? :-) We went to the specialist today. He said the baby looked great on the ultrasound and he wanted to do an amnio. The amnio would tell us one of two things: (1) The lungs are not developed - implications: he is a slow developer and we will do another amnio in another week; (2) The lungs are developed - implications: he is developed enough to come out and the decision to induce would be up to my OB. When we did the amnio, the amniotic fluid was cloudy and the tech told us that the cloudier the fluid, the more developed the baby was. We hope to hear the results back this afternoon, but it takes about 4 hours and the specialist's office closes early on Fridays. I should be hearing from the person on call, but you know how those things go...Once I hear from the test results, I call my OB and tell her the results, then she makes the decision from there. We could have a baby sometime this week - or not! God, as He always has been, is in control. I really don't know which way to pray anymore and am glad He knows what's best for the baby.

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