Monday, October 5, 2009

2 weeks old!

We went to the OB this morning and Reed was circumcised. We tried to have this done last week, but the Dr didn't have a device small enough so we had to wait a week. This morning she took his diaper off to see if he had grown enough to have it done. The minute the diaper came off, he sent a stream of pee all over himself and the doctor! It was quite impressive and VERY funny! David and I waited out in the waiting room for them to complete the procedure and when the nurse brought us back she said that everyone wanted to take him home. No way, Jose, he is mine! Amanda had brought us some sugar water that they use in the nursery to help kill the pain and the Dr dipped his pacifier in the sugar water and it definitely had a calming effect! He only fussed for a second on the way to the pediatrician. His eyes looked glazed and he looked like he had been drugged - but it was only the sugar!
At the pediatricians, he measured 18 1/2 inches long (gain of 1 inch from birth) and weighed in at 5 lbs (gain of 13oz since birth). And, for what it's worth, his head measured 32cm. Over the weekend we had recieved a letter from the Dept of Health saying that one of the tests they did while he was in the hospital needed to be repeated because it had a questionable result. The test in question was for Cystic Fibrosis so they took another blood sample while we were there to send off for testing. David made me leave the room because of my aversion to needles. I was standing in the hall waiting to hear him cry, but he never did. David said he slept through the entire thing! It must have been the sugar water.
We are glad to be back home for the day. David and I were both commenting on how it is such a chore to leave the house now - hopefully we will get better at it and it will become smoother and easier to go out!